East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District awarded 2017 Partners in Conservation (PIC) grants totaling $760,416 to 18 conservation and environmental education projects in the District’s boundaries. The PIC program funds projects in each of its five primary grant program areas: restoration and monitoring, stormwater management and naturescaping, urban gardening and sustainable agriculture, environmental education, and equitable access to conservation benefits. PIC funding for 2017 will also leverage more than $3 million in additional support through matching in-kind and cash contributions.
Partners In Conservation Grants
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon, $101,000
Jade/Lents Greening
This project will improve climate, storm water, and health outcomes in the Jade District/Lents neighborhood through green infrastructure, with a focus on tree planting.
Audubon Society of Portland / Columbia Land Trust, $30,000
Backyard Habitat Certification Program – East Multnomah County Expansion and Equity Project
The joint program provides technical assistance, incentives, resources, and recognition to urban/suburban participants as they create backyard habitats and manage stormwater.
Camp E.L.S.O. Inc., $9,148
Camp ELSO Adventurers Day Camp
The project provides a culturally inclusive environmental education camp program for children of color.
Centennial School District, $24,511
Wood Elementary Community Garden
A 30,000-square foot community garden will be created at Wood Elementary School in partnership with Portland Parks & Recreation.
Columbia Riverkeeper, $15,000
Columbia River Monitoring and Restoration Project
This project will collect water quality data for E. coli to promote safe swimming and fishing, and engage underserved youth in restoring riparian habitat.
Depave, $40,000
Depave Season 2017
Depave’s annual efforts engage community members in transforming neighborhood spaces by removing impermeable surfaces, capturing stormwater, and adding nature to urban areas.
Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors, $25,000
Ecology Enrichment in Elementary Schools
ECO will provide environmental education program to East Multnomah County Title One schools.
Friends of Zenger Farm, $40,000
Zenger Farm Internship Program
This project provides support for a 6-month program to train interns in commercial sustainable farming.
Growing Gardens, $131,916
Growing Minds, Growing Food: School Garden Programming in East Portland
Specialized Garden Educators will integrate garden-based lessons into school day curricula in seven schools over three years.
Janus Youth Programs, Inc., $20,000
Growing in Place
This program connects children, youth and adults to sustainable agriculture and natural spaces through hands-on experience with local food production.
Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership, $32,643
Outdoor Conservation Education Program
LCEP provides elementary East Multnomah students with watershed education and supports teacher training workshops.
Multnomah County, $143,000
Green Gresham / Healthy Gresham
In partnership with Friends of Trees, this project will plant over 200 trees in the low-income neighborhoods of Rockwood, Wilkes East, and North Gresham with local youth and volunteers.
Northwest Youth Corps, $30,000
East Multnomah Youth Stewardship Project
This project supports crews comprised primarily of low income youth and youth of color who will complete 6600 hours of restoration work.
Outgrowing Hunger, $30,000
Garden-Based Environmental Education
Through this project, OGH will provide school garden-based delivery of environmental education to K-12 students within Portland area public schools.
PDX Greywater Partnership, $18,198
Greening with Greywater 2017
This project partners such as Greywater Action, Recode, and others deliver an educational workshop series to the public on greywater residential systems.
Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center Inc., $40,000
Rosemary Anderson High School & Friends of Trees Student Crew Leader Training Program
Through hands-on classroom and site-based experiences, students learn techniques of habitat restoration, plant and care for street trees, and gain appreciation for our urban forests and watersheds.
Wisdom of the Elders, Inc., $20,000
Wisdom Workforce Development Initiative
This project provides Native American adults and youth with environmental assessment and habitat restoration training as well as service learning in local natural areas and watersheds.
Woodlawn Neighborhood Association, $10,000
Woodlawn Farmers Market
The Farmers Market will provides support for the Introducing Farmers Program, bilingual workshops and farm tours.