Centennial School District, Pleasant Valley School, $17,577 – Pleasant Valley School
Reclaim Pleasant Valley’s Wild Side, South Field Project
Weed removal, reveg on 7-acre site adjacent to schoolyard; includes student service-learning
City of Portland-Environmental Services, $15,000 – Rocky Butte
Rocky Butte NA Invasive Plant Removal
Remove invasive weeds, replant across the butte on property owned by OPRD, PPR, Metro, ODOT, and private lo’s
Columbia Slough Watershed Council, $4,381 – Whitaker Ponds Nature Park
Bunn House Raingarden
Build a raingarden to retain & treat stormwater from roof of Council offices
Friends of Zenger Farm, $9,660 – Zenger Farm
Be Smart Soil and Water Conservation at Zenger Farm
Create watershed/soil curriculum, out- reach to schools, & bus students to site
Growing Gardens, $7,396 – East Portland
Home Garden Expansion Project
Study and implement pilot home gardening (fruit trees/shrubs) & water conservation with low-income residents
Portland Public Schools, Vestal Elementary School, $19,100 – Vestal Elementary School
Vestal Elementary Greenspace and Stormwater Project
Remove 15,000 sq ft asphalt; replant with grass, trees, and native shrub area; add plaza, play area
SOLVE, $14,970 – Beaver Creek
Team Up For Watershed Health: Beaver Creek Area 4
Riparian invasive removal, reveg, and community involvement