“Increasingly the evidence suggests that people benefit so much from contact with nature that land conservation can now be viewed as a public health strategy.” Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods:
Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder
EMSWCD works with public, non-profit and private partners to increase access to nature in our underserved urban neighborhoods. While Portland is known for its parks and open spaces, not every resident enjoys convenient access to safe and attractive open spaces. We believe that the health and emotional benefits of nature through access to open spaces should be available for everyone to enjoy.
Looking to Create Access to Nature for Your Neighborhood? If you know of a possible opportunity that would increase access to open space in an underserved neighborhood or if you are looking to create such access, we may be able to connect you with a partner who can assist. Contact Matt Shipkey, our Land Legacy Program Manager at (503) 935-5374 or matt@emswcd.org.
Natural Lands Conservation Success Stories

Nadaka Nature Park

Shaull Property