Audubon Society of Portland, $24,200 -Portland
Backyard Habitat Certification
Support for the third year of BHCP designed to assist property owners through three levels of advanced habitat restoration.
City of Portland – Environmental Services, $40,000 – Mt. Tabor Park-SE 60th & Salmon St.
Mt Tabor Invasive Plant Control & Reveg
Restore healthy native forest in the park’s natural areas to increase stormwater interception, enhance wildlife habitat, prevent soil erosion and provide opportunities for education.
City of Portland – Environmental Services, $50,000 – 2425 SE Bybee Blvd.
Eastmoreland Golf Course Culvert & Restoration
Remove 12′ wide/30’long steel culvert at the golf course and replace it with 23 foot long bridge to allow fish passage and restore fluvial function as well as reveg 1.5 acres of riparian habitat.
City of Portland – Parks & Recreation, $29,595 – multiple parks & natural areas in East MultCo
Greenspaces Restoration & Urban Naturalist Team (GRUNT)
Connect teens to nature academically, emotionally and economically through outdoor adventure, education and paid work experience.
Columbia Riverkeeper, $9,900 – various along Columbia River, Sandy River and Beaver Creek
Columbia River Water Quality Monitoring
Partner with MHCC and DEQ to monitor water quality along Columbia River watershed within MultCo
Columbia Slough Watershed Council, $10,000 – 10040 NE 6th Ave., Portland
Children’s Arboretum Restoration
Several small invasive removal and native revegetation projects at Children’s Arboretum.
Corbett Elementary School, $11,295 – 35800 Columbia River Hwy, Corbett
Corbett Outdoor Classroom & Natural Area
Engage students in connecting to the natural environment through ECO classes, removal of invasives, planting natives, designing signage and creating an outdoor learning space.
DEPAVE, $17,000 – 8040 SE Woodstock Blvd, and various
DEPAVE Summer 2011
Remove pavement from Calvary Lutheran Church parking lot in SE (4,100 s.f.) and install raingardens to treat stormwater runoff as well as hold classes to teach homeowners about the depaving process.
East Columbia Neighborhood Association, $16,990 – NE 16th Ct to NE 20th and Blue Heron Drive
Blue Heron Wetlands Restoration
Remove invasive Ludwigia peploides and create a community education program for volunteer involvement in the maintenance of urban wetlands- process will be documented and a plan created for future management of urban wetlands.
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, $9,998 – 5555 NE Sumner St
Cully Young Farmers
Partner students in Concordia Teaching Program and Service Corps with 8-10th grade students at Trinity Lutheran School in a garden education program.
Friends of Portland Community Gardens, $15,000 – NE 52nd & Hassalo
Frazer Community Garden
Install 10,000 s.f. community garden to become the first community garden in Rose City Park and accommodate 36 new families along with a toolshed and 2 accessible raised beds.
Friends of Portland Community Gardens, $9,875 – 4324 NE Sumner St.
Sumner Community Garden
Install community garden with 30 200s.f. beds and work with Sumner Community Garden steering committee to support the gardeners in developing a community of food growers.
Friends of Zenger Farm, $20,000 – 11741 SE Foster Road
Zenger Farm Shares and Community Garden
Remove invasives and install community garden/sheds/signage on additional 2.5 acres recently added to ZF’s long term lease with the City.
Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization, $6,193 – Gilbert Park Elementary School – 13132 SE Ramona Street
Gilbert Park Native Butterfly Garden
Replace Gilbert Park School’s invasive butterfly bushes with native plants that attract and support pollinators in conjuction with a healthy watershed education class for students/staff/family members.
Johnson Creek Watershed Council, $58,574 – Johnson Creek @ Tacoma Street & McLoughlin Blvd.
Johnson Creek Fish Habitat Design at Tacoma Station
Develop engineered design of fish habitat features on mainstem JC next to future Tacoma Street light rail station. Design goals are to improve in-stream fish habitat and channel complexity.
Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, $25,078 – 3010 SE Oxbow Parkway, Gresham
Oxbow Regional Park Habitat Enhancement and Stewardship
Increase awareness about watershed issues and threats to biodiversity at Oxbow Park through work with students, teachers and volunteers in the District
Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, $48,319 – Lower Columbia Gorge
Oneonta & Horsetail Creeks Floodplain Restoration
Design and permit stakeholder approved restoration actions on 190 acres of Columbia River floodplain to include improving fish passage, re-establishing historic hydrology, converting a gravel pond into an emergent wetland and reforesting riparian areas.
Metro, $84,404 – Dabney State Park and Oxbow Regional Park
Sandy River Vegetation Restoration
Restoration of 159 acres of native riparian and upland vegetation between Dabney State Park and Oxbow Reg Park to improve water quality and restore fish and wildlife habitat.
Mt. Hood Community College, $15,165 – Various locations along the Columbia River in East MultCo
Collaborative Regional Watershed Crew and Mentorship (CReWCaMP)
Integrate youth-based programs of MHSS and OSU extension to provide education, training and work experience for at-risk youth through restoration and monitoring projects
Portland Alumnae Chapter-Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., $10,000 – 5940 N Albina Street
June Key Delta Community Center’s Green Street
Provide plants and project management for a green street project at the June Key Delta Community Center
Portland Public Schools, Lent Elementary School, $26,600 – Springwater Corridor
Springwater Corridor Ecology Project
Increase experiential learning opportunities for underserved elementary school students while simultaneously improving habitat of Springwater Corridor through hands-on education and habitat restoration field trips with students.
SE Uplift Neighborhood Coalition, $5,000 – 3534 SE Main St.
SE Uplift Stormwater Retrofit
Continue stormwater management efforts by converting 3,000 s.f. of grass and invasives into an educational naturescaped area.
The Nature Conservancy, $9,999 – 821 SE 14th Ave
Nature Conservancy Portland office stormwater infiltration planter
Build and maintain an infiltration planter extending 45′ long x 5′ wide x 6′ deep to allow stormwater to collect from roof and parking lot, and slowly infiltrate through layers of vegetation and gravel – estimated to remove 100,000 gallons annually.
Urban League of Portland, $10,000 – 741 N. Beech Street
Urban Harvest Garden
Engage African American families in urban gardening and promote healthy eating/active living.
Western Invasive Plant Alliance, $18,486 – Latourell
Latourell Watershed
English Ivy Control
Willamette Riverkeeper, $12,705 – Ross Island
Ross Island Education & Restoration
Continue partnership with Audubon PPR for stewardship and monitoring on Ross Island through 6 “Restoration Days” to do trash pickup, native plant installation and maintenance as well as leading field trips by canoe, bike and on foot.
Y Arts Center, $7,500 – 6036 SE Foster Road
Y Arts Playground Garden
Remove existing blacktop, install educational raingarden, new pathways, edible garden space and new play structures build from local, reclaimed materials