Audubon Society of Portland, $15,000 – East Multnomah County
Wild in the City II
To help fund the second edition of the book “Wild in the City II: A Guide to Portland’s Natural Areas.”
Audubon Society of Portland, $25,700 – Various Portland
Backyard Habitat Certification
To provide landowners with incentives, expertise, resources and recognition for restoring property to ecological health.
Catholic Charities Oregon, $5,950 – East Portland
Keeping it Fresh: Healthy Bodies, Health Watersheds
To promote stewardship through gardening in East Portland by creating school garden and hosting bilingual cooking and conservation classes.
City of Gresham, $69,155 – Gresham
Sustainable Stormwater Solutions
To fund a stormwater solutions staff person, along with education, outreach and materials for City of Gresham’s stormwater management program.
City of Portland-Environmental Services, $39,145 – East Portland
Veterans Creek Restoration
To restore amphibian and wetland habitat and remove invasives on four acre parcel in the Johnson Creek Watershed.
City of Portland-Parks & Recreation, $22,327 – Portland
GRUNT (Greenspaces Restoration & Urban Naturalist Team)
To fund a naturalist and job training program for urban teens recruited from diverse and underserved neighborhoods.
City of Portland-Parks & Recreation, $15,925 – Northeast and Southeast Portland
Neighborhood Forest Management Plans
Recruit citizens and stakeholders to inventory their neighborhood street trees, establish tree goals, and create a written Neighborhood Forest Management Plan.
Columbia Slough Watershed Council, $22,734 – Northeast Portland
Beyond Greening the Grounds at Whitaker Ponds
To remove invasives, plant natives and install permeable path connecting Education Center to trail around west Whitaker Pond.
Columbia Slough Watershed Council, $5,000 – Northeast Portland
Watershed Education Center Revegetation Project
To install naturescaping and signage at the Watershed Education Center.
DEPAVE, $7,660 – Various
DEPAVE Summer 2010!
To remove additional asphalt at two sites, allowing for onsite stormwater treatment.
DEPAVE, $19,544 – Various
DEPAVE Summer 2010!
To remove approximately 17,000 s.f. of pavement from two sites.
Freshwater Trust, $11,200 – Various
Watershed Stewardship Learning Opportunities
To deliver watershed education programs and fieldtrip opportunities to various schools throughout the district.
Friends of Trees, $80,000 – East Portland
I-205 Greenspace Initiative-Living Highways Project
To plant and establish native plants, shrubs and trees along I-205 corridor over the next 3 years.
Friends of Trees, $38,866 – Various
Greenspace Initiative Capacity Building
To plant and maintain four sites over two years in the Portland metro area that are disturbed by development, livestock impacts, invasive plants or otherwise lacking native trees, plants and shrubs
Friends of Zenger Farm, $20,000 – East Portland
Soil and Water Conservation at Zenger Farm
To continue curriculum development at Zenger Farm with the addition of a new Soil Conservation program to teach importance of healthy soil in growing healthy food.
Growing Gardens, $28,839 – Various
Growing Huertos
To fun a Spanish language program to teach environmentally sound gardening practices.
Holy Redeemer Catholic School, $15,000 – North Portland
Holy Redeemer Stormwater Reduction Phase 2
To fund stormwater reduction through removal of pervious surfaces and installation of community garden (natives & food).
Johnson Creek Watershed Council, $9,778 – Multiple locations
Promoting Volunteer Stewardship in Johnson Creek Natural Areas
To improve water quality, reduce soil erosion and connect local residents to their watershed through volunteer restoration work.
Johnson Creek Watershed Council, $19,512 – Various
Youth Engaged
To engage high school students in invasive removal and revegetation activities.
JOIN, $10,000 – Northeast Portland
Seeds of Community
To revegetate site with organic vegetable garden, fruit and shade trees, naturescaping and bioswales.
Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, $20,000 – Gresham
Oxbow Regional Park Habitat Enhancement and Stewardship Project
To provide watershed education experiences to teachers, students and parent volunteers
Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, $39,985 – Columbia Gorge
Multnomah Creek Restoration
To fund Phase I of a multi-phase restoration project that will restore spawning and rearing habitats for ESA listed species in and along Multnomah and Wahkeena Creeks.
Morrison Child and Family Services, $10,000 – East Portland
Morrison Child & Family Services Hand in Hand Garden Improvements
To reduce stormwater impact through installation of raingarden, provide garden programming and education for urban clients with limited access to gardening and conservation education.
North Portland Neighborhood Services, $5,000 – North Portland
Historic Kenton Firehouse Raingarden
To install a raingarden, disconnect downspouts, and redirect runoff to raingarden.
Oregon Environmental Council, $18,095 – District wide
Love Your River Education & Outreach Campaign
To futher educational and outreach campaign through web development, online education and outreach in the district.
Pleasant Valley School, $10,000 – Gresham
Pleasant Valley School Raingardens
To install raingardens around school buildings to capture runoff from a total of 6,175 s.f. of roof space and from playing field.
Portland Public Schools, Meriwether Lewis Elementary School, $8,883 – Southeast Portland
Lewis Elementary Tree Planting
To remove pavement from a parking strip and install trees in depaved area.
Portland Public Schools, Vestal Elementary School, $8,000 – East Portland
Vestal Community Gardens
To fund garden educator/coordinator position at Vestal School.
Portland State University, $5,000 – Southeast Portland
Learning Gardens Lab Raingarden & Naturescape
To Install raingarden, naturescaping and educational signage at the Learning Gardens Lab.
Sabin School PTA, $8,000 – Northeast Portland
Sabin Native Garden
To install native plants and shrubs, support education program that aims to establish stewardship values through participation in garden activities.
SE Uplift Neighborhood Coalition, $9,400 – Southeast Portland
SE Uplift Stormwater Retrofit
To reduce stormwater impacts through depaving, installing raingarden and naturescaping.
SOLVE, $40,181 – Gresham and North Portland
Team Up for Watershed Health
To fun restoration, education, volunteer and community involvement to enhance riparian function and improve water quality and wildlife habitat in Baltimore Woods and along Beaver Creek.
SOLVE, $15,200 – various
Stewardship & Leadership
To provide a structure for leadership development for SOLV volunteers, provide support for the new Friends of Beaver Creek group, facilitate the creation of a new Friends of Wilkes Creek group in NE Portland.
Tabor Commons, $22,000 – Southeast Portland
Tabor Commons Phase 3
To install community garden, bioswale and pervious paver parking lot in former brownfield.
The Nature Conservancy, $82,369 – Gresham and Unicorporated Multnomah County
Sandy River Vegetation Restoration Phase 1
To improve water quality and restore habitat in Sandy River basin through restoration of native riparian and upland vegetation.
Verde, $35,320 – Northeast Portland
Verde Nursery
To create watershed education curriculum, install bioswale, drip irrigation and train disadvantaged populations in green jobs.
Willamette Riverkeeper, $8,250 – Southeast Portland
Ross Island Restoration, Education,Monitoring & Planning
To coordinate six Ross Island restoration days and conduct field trips aimed at raising awareness of Island’s natural resources.
Willamette Riverkeeper, $10,000 – Southeast Portland
Eastbank Connections
To fund stewardship work parties, trash cleanup, educational river paddles and nature walks on Ross Island, Oaks Bottom and Sellwood Riverfront.
Xerces Society, $10,000 – Southeast Portland and Gresham
Community based Freshwater Mussel Surveys
To work with local watershed councils to conduct baseline presence/absence surveys of freshwater mussels in portions of Johnson Creek.