Rain Garden Cost-Share Funding

    Rain Garden Cost Share

    Featured Articles
    Most important lesson learned, take the Rain Garden 101 class. I gained valuable information and the know-how to build a rain garden.
    Rain garden was planted entirely with Portland native plants and is certified as part of my Bronze Backyard Habitat through the Audubon society.
    I diverted two downspouts and graveled the bed of the garden in an abstract shape. It turned out beautiful with fairly little effort.
    Do not get intimidated, or over think it. Keep it simple. It is very simple and very rewarding.
    We have started with a small rain garden in our backyard. Next year we hope to build a larger one in our side yard.

    Contact us today!

    Email or call Whitney Bailey at (971) 712-3065 to learn more about rain gardens and our cost-share program.

    If you live in the Gresham Downspout Disconnect zone, you may be eligible for cost-share assistance to build a rain garden on your property!

    EMSWCD’s Conservation Landowner Incentive Program (CLIP) now funds rain gardens within Gresham’s Downspout Disconnect zone.

    Why are we funding rain garden construction?

    Rain gardens are beautiful additions to your yard and neighborhood, and good for the environment! Rain gardens remove pollutants and bacteria from stormwater, recharge our groundwater, and provide habitat for birds and pollinators. Installing rain gardens and disconnecting your downspouts can also make you eligible for reduced utility bills, because they help reduce the load on city infrastructure. We are offering this cost-share program to help East Multnomah residents create cleaner water and healthier neighborhoods, one downspout at a time.

    Learn more in the Rain Garden FAQ page!

    What does CLIP fund?

    CLIP funds up to 75% of the cost of a rain garden, up to a maximum of $5 per square foot or total EMSWCD cost of $5000, whichever is less.

    Who is eligible?

    Private properties in the Gresham Downspout Disconnect are eligible for rain garden cost-share.

    If your property is not in the CLIP eligibility area and you still want to manage your stormwater on site, we can still provide technical advice and local resources.

    This rain garden handles stormwater -and- frames the front walkway nicely!

    My property is eligible for CLIP!  How do I participate?

    • Assessment and planning: Contact us to schedule an initial site visit. EMSWCD staff will schedule a visit to look at your site, discuss ideas, and go over the process. If we find a good location for the rain garden, staff will also explain how to do a percolation test to make sure it will drain.
    • Design and approval: Once we’ve found a suitable spot that drains well, we’ll help you develop a design for your rain garden, including materials and budget. EMSWCD staff will then seek funding approval for the project.
    • Construction: Now the fun begins! Once the project is approved, you can acquire your materials, dig out the basin, install your plants, and disconnect/reroute your downspout(s)! You can do the work yourself and/or hire a contractor for some or all of the project. Be sure to keep your receipts!
    • Post-construction inspection and reimbursement processing: Once everything is finished, call us to schedule the post-construction visit. EMSWCD staff will make sure your rain garden is built according to guidelines, and recommend any needed changes. Once the garden is approved, we will submit your cost-share request for processing, and your check should arrive within a month! We’ll also send you a rain garden sign so you can share your accomplishment with your neighbors.

    Ready to get started? Email Whitney Bailey, or call (971) 712-3065.

    Learn how to build a rain garden!Learn how to build a rain garden! We offer free Rain Gardens 101 workshops every spring and fall.
    check out our gallery pages to see local examples of rain gardensCheck out our gallery pages to see local examples of rain gardens! Rain gardens come in all different shapes and sizes.

    Is your property not suitable for a rain garden?  Some properties do not have enough yard space for a rain garden, are on too steep of a slope, or do not drain well. There are still many ways you can manage stormwater though! Click here to find out more!

    Have you already installed a rain garden? That’s wonderful! Find out how you can be recognized for your work!

    Click here to return to the main Rain Garden page.

    Still have questions?  Email Whitney Bailey, or call (971) 712-3065.