Put the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District to work for you!
If you live east of the Willamette River in Multnomah County, you are automatically eligible for free personalized advice about managing your land. Some properties are also eligible for site visits by our staff. We are non-regulatory – we are only interested in helping you. All of our services are provided free of charge.
We are here to help you with:
- Mud & manure
- Soil erosion
- Areas near streams, creeks, and rivers
- Pastures
- Livestock watering
- Irrigation water
- Well protection
- Stormwater
- Water conservation
- Invasive weeds
- Wildlife habitat
- Fertilization of crops and pastures
- Riparian buffers
Do you have a question about any of the above, or a related topic? Fill out the form below and one of our staff will respond to you!
Is my property eligible for a site visit?
Schools, governments, and other public properties are automatically eligible for a site visit. Due to high demand, however, we are only able to offer in-person site visits to the following private properties:
- Rural, working, and agricultural lands such as farms, nurseries, and woodlots.
- Properties within 300 feet of a stream, river, or wetland, and/or a “high conservation value” natural area (as determined by EMSWCD staff)
- Low-income multifamily housing units within Portland’s Urban Growth Boundary
- Properties within Gresham’s Downspout Disconnection zone, for stormwater management assistance only