The purpose of the Budget Committee is to review and approve the District’s budget and related activities on a fiscal year basis. To do so, the Budget Committee must assess the District mission (The mission of the EMSWCD is to help people care for land and water), responsibilities, necessary activities, related expenditures, assets, liabilities, and revenue sources. You can find budget documents on the Budgets, Reports and Plans page.
Members of Budget Committee
- Directors: Laura Masterson, Mike Guebert, Joe Rossi, Jim Carlson and Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky
- Staff: Kelley Beamer, Executive Director and Dan Mitten, Chief of Finance and Operations
Upcoming Budget Committees
- Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 at 4:00 PM. A public hearing will be held by the Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission (TSCC) on the budget approved by the Budget Committee for the East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, Multnomah County, State of Oregon, for the fiscal year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
The hearing will be held at the District Office, 5211 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97217 on Tuesday, May 21st. 2024 at 4:00 pm. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the budget with interested persons. A copy of the budget document will be available by request on the Budgets, Reports and Plans Page . The public is welcome to attend and any member of the public may attend the meeting and testify. While this is an in-person meeting, if you wish to join the meeting virtually, please call United States (Toll Free): 1 (646) 749-3129 and use Access Code: 813-852-349 or join via computer, tablet, or smartphone at this link. Meeting attendees requiring Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations should call (503) 222-7645 x 100 as soon as possible. To better serve you, five (5) business days prior to the event is preferred.
(Per ORS 294.448(2) (d), please note change in tax levy amount below):
Total FY 2024-2025 Budget Requirements: $21,419,250
Total FY 2023-2024 Levy Amount: $0.1000/$1,000 of assessed value ($6,207,219)
Total Proposed FY 2024-2025 Levy Amount: $0.1000/$1,000 of assessed value ($6,778,509)
Proposed Change from Last Year’s Levy Amount: plus $571,290 - Monday, May 6th, 2024 at 5:30 PM.The final meeting of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Committee will be held on Monday May 6, 2024 at 5:30 pm at the EMSWCD Office, 5211 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR, 97217. The agenda will include review of the 3rd & final draft of the proposed FY24-25 Budget, approval of the FY24-25 Budget and setting the maximum tax levy via resolution. The public is welcome to attend by calling into the meeting, but no public comment will be taken during the budget portion. Copies of the budget document will be available by request on the Budgets, Reports and Plans Page . While this is an in-person meeting, if you wish to join the meeting virtually, please call United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 and use Access Code: 668-986-709 or join via computer, tablet, or smartphone at this link. Meeting attendees requiring Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations should call (503) 222-7645 x 100 as soon as possible. To better serve you, five (5) business days prior to the event, is preferred.
- Monday, April 1st, 2024 at 5:00 PM. The second meeting of the EMSWCD Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Committee will be held Monday, April 1st, 2024, at 5:00 pm at the EMSWCD Office, 5211 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR, 97217. The agenda will include budget review and discussion. The public is welcome to listen, pose questions and comments. Public questions and comments will be taken at this meeting and copies of revised budget will be available by request on the Budgets, Reports and Plans page. While this is an in-person meeting, if you wish to join the meeting virtually, please call United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 and use Access Code: 668-986-709 or join via computer, tablet, or smartphone at this link. Meeting attendees requiring Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations should call (503) 222-7645 x 100 as soon as possible. To better serve you, five (5) business days prior to the event, is preferred.
- Monday, March 4th, 2024 at 4:00 PM. EMSWCD will hold the first meeting of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Committee at the EMSWCD Office, 5211 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97217. The agenda will include hearing the budget message and receiving the draft budget for fiscal year July 1st, 2024 – June 30th, 2025. Procedures for receiving public testimony will be established. The public is welcome to listen in at this meeting, but no public comment will be taken at the time. A copy of the budget document and procedures for receiving public testimony may be obtained by request on or after March 4 on the Budgets, Reports and Plans page. While this is an in-person meeting, if you wish to join the meeting virtually, please call United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 and use Access Code: 668-986-709 or join via computer, tablet, or smartphone at this link. Meeting attendees requiring Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations should call (503) 222-7645 x 100 as soon as possible. To better serve you, five (5) business days prior to the event, is preferred.