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This small but mighty 8-acre property builds upon EMSWCD’s previous investments in the surrounding Grant Butte landscape and further protects the water quality of the adjoining Fairview Creek headwaters / wetlands complex. The acquisition of this property also sets the stage for improved access to the adjacent Southwest Community Park. Future park visitors will be able to enjoy the tranquil beauty of a towering Douglas Fir grove. The health of that grove and visitor amenities will be developed by the City of Gresham over the coming years. EMSWCD was pleased to partner with the City of Gresham and Metro on this acquisition project, which spanned a number of years.
“After successful demolition, with the support of East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District who graciously contributed $200,000 to the acquisition, and after close coordination with Metro staff responsible for the 2019 Bond Local Share Funding, the City was able to close on the Shaull property on November 15th, 2021. The City of Gresham extends its heartfelt appreciation to those external partners who contributed to realizing this important community investment in access to nature.”
-City of Gresham
Know of a Land Conservation Opportunity? If you are the owner of a property that possesses significant natural resource values, or if you know of a possible opportunity, we may be able to connect you with a partner who can explore land protection strategies. Contact Matt Shipkey, our Land Legacy Program Manager at (503) 935-5374 or