This gallery demonstrates some of the process of building a rain garden. Please note that the information on this page is not intended for use as an official guide. To learn more, you can take a free workshop, or check out How to Build a Rain Garden, where you can also find downloadable guides and videos.
- The site where the rain garden will be put in.
- Do your homework before getting started!
- Do a percolation test to check that your soil will be able to soak up water fast enough.
- Draw out the rain garden area.
- Remove the grass from the area.
- The depth zones of the rain garden are marked off.
- Start digging!
- Measure the slope to make sure the rain garden overflows away from the house during a big storm.
- Install the pipe that carries water from the downspout to the rain garden.
- You can use a marble to test if the pipe slopes toward the rain garden.
- Installing the overflow pipe.
- Place rock where runoff flows into the rain garden.
- Amend the soil with compost.
- Plant!
- Enjoy your new rain garden!
- One satisfied rain garden builder. Thank you Bill Hunt of Troutdale, for documenting the rain garden installation!