Atkinson Elementary School PTA, $1500 – Atkinson Elementary School/Clinton Park
Know Your Natives – Interpretive Signage
Install interpretive signage and brochure boxes explaining the importance of native plant habitat and pollinators
Audubon Society of Portland, $1500 – various
Biodiversity Ecoroof Month
Promote ecoroofs, raise awareness of local ecoroof programs, expand concept of ecoroofs to incorporate habitat features
City of Troutdale, $1500 – Columbia Park
Earth Day/Arbor Day
Earth Day event to remove blackberry and ivy from wooded area and replant with natives to restore & enhance Columbia Park natural area
Coalition of Clean Water Festival Partners, $1500 – PCC Sylvania Campus
Children’s Clean Water Festival
Water resource education event
Groundwork Portland, $1500 – Emerson Garden
Emerson Groundbreaking Ceremony
Ceremony to celebrate and build awareness around the Emerson Garden Project
Impact NW, $425 – 7211 SE 62nd Ave
Community Rain Garden Demonstration Project
Construct 25′ X 15′ rain garden at Brentwood-Darlington Community Center
Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, $1500 – Jantzen Beach Red Lion Inn
Lower Columbia River Summit
Convene partners from the region and release LCREP’s 2010 State of the Estuary Report
North Willamette Research and Education Center, $1500 – North Willamette Research & Extension Center
Growing Farms: Successful Whole Farm Mgmt Scholarships
Provide scholarships for District residents to learn about small farm management (10 @ $150/ea.)
Pleasant Valley School, $1500 – Pleasant Valley School
The Birds and the Bees at Pleasant Valley School
Improve native plant, animal and insect habitat through removal of lawn, installing native plants/shrubs, managing garden for student education and healthy habitat.
Portland Fruit Tree Project, $1480 – NE Mason St between 18th & 19th
Sabin Community Orchard
Install fruit trees and signage on PBOT ROW in Sabin neighborhood
Raphael House of Portland, $1500 – Raphael House Emergency Shelter
Raphael House Edible Garden
Implement edible garden and irrigation system, teach clients about organic gardening and produce food for DV shelter
Sauvie Island Center, $1500 – Sauvie Island Farms
Farm based educational fieldtrips for NoPo Students
Educate youth about food, farming and the land