Welcome to the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual Report! This year we offer a self-guided presentation of our Annual Report for you, our partners, constituents, Board, and anyone else interested in the work of EMSWCD. It’s a chance to view what our talented team has accomplished this year throughout our District. To do this, we created this interactive Prezi Story Map for you to see where and how we work daily to meet our mission – helping people care for land and water.
To view the Report, please click the View Annual Report button below. It will bring you to a new webpage. You will immediately see a large blue circle with a white triangle in it, or a “play button,” with the title, “EMSWCD FY 2021-2022 Annual Report” in the top left corner. When you’re ready, click the play button!
View the FY 21-22
Annual Report here
How to view and navigate the Annual Report
Welcome to the EMSWCD District boundary map! EMSWCD serves all of Multnomah County east of the Willamette River. Everything in color on the Prezi map is within our District bounds. Everything in black and white, outside of our boundary, are the parts of Oregon (and Washington) that we at EMSWCD do not work on directly.
Underneath the District map, you’ll see a legend. Find and click on any of those 11 icons on the map to read about the work we’ve done in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year. Click on the icons with the white circle around them for more in-depth stories. Click on the brown beetles to find the facts and figures behind EMSWCD’s full 2021-2022 fiscal year. Use the icons to guide you through our annual report and dive deeper by clicking on the colored bubbles, photos and illustrations within each story.
Use the “go back” or “home” button on the right side of your screen to assist in clicking through the stories. To get back to the previous screen, click the “go back” button on the right side of the screen. To get back to the main page to see the full map, click the home button right above that. You can hover your mouse over the right side of the screen to find those two navigation buttons.
For a guided tour through the report, simply use the left and right arrows on the bottom of the screen. Use this function to be sure you didn’t miss anything!
We hope you enjoy this journey through East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District’s Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual Report!
All illustrations are done by our talented staff member, Jon Wagner!