Garlic Mustard Containment Project

Invasive garlic mustard spreading along a forest floor

We have teamed up with The Nature Conservancy, Oregon State Parks, USFS, Metro, and others to contain garlic mustard in the Columbia Gorge. Free control is available to landowners in select areas. Although garlic mustard is already widely and well established in a large area of the Columbia Gorge, outside of this area there are many smaller, newer garlic mustard infestations just starting to gain a foothold.

These smaller infestations, which we call “satellite infestations”, represent the spread of garlic mustard outward from the area where it is well established. Our goal is to stop this spread and contain garlic mustard through development of a containment zone and treatment of all satellite infestations outside of the containment zone.

Free Control Available Outside of the Containment Zone

Previous mapping has identified the sources of major infestations and the location of satellite populations, and suggested a long-term containment area. A containment zone was created by drawing an approximate line between large, well-established populations and smaller, newer satellite populations. Free control is offered on all properties infested with garlic mustard outside of the containment zone.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer free control for all garlic mustard populations within the heavily infested containment zone. However, if your property falls within the containment zone, we can always provide free technical assistance on control methods. You can view a map of the containment zone below. Give us a call any time at (503) 222-7645 to talk about control options for your property, or see the garlic mustard identification and control section of this website for more information. ODOT and the Multnomah County Roads Department will continue to treat garlic mustard in right-of-ways both within and outside of the containment zone. We also provide a dumpster in Corbett every spring so you can dispose of the garlic mustard that you pull!

Garlic Mustard Containment Zone
The Project Throughout the Years

We began our containment project in 2008 by sending out informational mailings about garlic mustard and our project along with permission forms to all landowners near mapped satellite infestations. When landowners returned the permission forms, we mapped and then scheduled treatment of the garlic mustard on their property. In spring 2008, spot spray and hand pull treatments began and were made to nearly every satellite infestation. Treatments have continued in much the same way every spring season since then, and are currently being made to over 200 acres across nearly 200 separate properties.

At this point in our containment project, very few new infestations of garlic mustard are being reported or are found outside of the containment zone. However, we remain on the lookout and will happily survey any property where there is any potential for garlic mustard to hide.

We Need Your Help

In order for our garlic mustard containment project to be successful, we need help from all landowners. If you have seen garlic mustard on your property or are worried you might have it, please contact Chris Aldassy at the number below. You can also help by talking to your neighbors and friends to make sure they know about garlic mustard and our project to contain it.

Contact us!

If you have any questions about this project or would like to help, please do not hesitate to contact Chris Aldassy at (503) 784-6069 or You can also call our main line at (503) 222-7645.

Visit our garlic mustard page for more detailed information about garlic mustard’s negative impacts and for help identifying it.