Browse through our 2018 Yard Tour locations in this gallery! The tour featured a variety of creative rain gardens, a parking strip turned into a small forest, a community-focused farm, several wildlife snags, and even a river restoration site in the heart of a neighborhood! We have listed some highlights here and included a downloadable plant list for each location.
Learn more on
the Yard Tour page!
Yard A
A backyard naturescape featuring a mix of edible garden, open lawn, and native shrubs and flowers. View the Yard A plant list.
Yard B
A parking strip naturescape that is entirely native and mimics a woodland. View the Yard B plant list.
Yard C
A full-yard naturescape that features native shrubs, wildlife sculptures, and beautiful outdoor structures. View the Yard C plant list.
Yard D
A front yard naturescape featuring a large rain garden, wildlife snag, and raised beds for edibles. View the Yard D plant list.
Yard E
A full-yard naturescape featuring several creative rain gardens, edible gardens, and hand-built stonework. View the Yard E plant list.
Yard F
A mature naturescape garden with evergreens, deciduous understory, and lots and lots of beautiful flowers and groundcovers. View the Yard F plant list.
Yard G
A river restoration site nestled into a quiet neighborhood that is a designated Salmon Sanctuary. View the Yard G plant list.
Yard H
A full yard naturescape featuring native shrubs and flowers, miniature eco roofs, chickens, and espaliered fruit tree. View the Yard H plant list.
Yard I
A full-yard naturescape featuring a wildlife snag, established native trees and shrubs, edible gardens, and creative mason bee boxes throughout. View the Yard I plant list.
Yard J
A community-focused urban farm featuring native pollinator gardens, outdoor classroom, and wildlife snag. View the Yard J plant list.