Ribes aureum
Golden currant (Ribes aureum) is a small to medium-sized deciduous shrub named for its golden flowers and golden red fall foliage. It is common in Oregon and Washington east of the Cascades and into the Great Basin.
Golden currant grows in full sun and partial shade, in dry to moist conditions, and is drought tolerant. The leaves are deciduous, lobed, and vaguely maple-like, ½ – 1½ inches. Charming clusters of yellow flowers bloom from mid- to late-spring. Golden currant grows to approximately 6 feet tall by 6 feet wide.
It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies such as the spring azure and mourning cloak, and the fruit is eaten by birds and other wildlife. Combine this in a sunny spot with its cousin, red-flowering currant, and drought-tolerant groundcovers like alliums and camas, for a beautiful native display!
- Light Requirements: Full Sun, Part Shade
- Water Requirements: Dry, Moist
- Ease of Growing:
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Spreads: No
- Wildlife Support: Hummingbirds, Birds or Mammals
- Fire-resistant: No
- Edible: Yes
- Mature Height: 6ft
- Mature Width:6ft
Goat’s Beard
Aruncus dioicus
Goat’s Beard has decorative finely-cut foliage and will create a bold, showy effect for a moist or partly-shaded spot all season. Dense, feathery plumes of tight white flowers rise well above the foliage spring to summer.
Goat’s Beard is an excellent background plant or grouped in a woodland setting. It dies back to the ground in winter, only to return gloriously in the spring. Goat’s Beard spreads slowly by rhizomes to form attractive patches, and can be planted in more sunny areas provided there is good moisture. It’s a “host” plant to the Dusky Azure Butterfly.
- Light Requirements: Part Shade, Full Shade
- Water Requirements: Moist, Perennially Wet
- Ease of Growing: Easy to grow
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Spreads: Yes
- Wildlife Support: Pest-eating Insects, Birds or Mammals, Pollinators
- Fire-resistant: No
- Edible: No
- Mature Height: 5-15ft
- Mature Width:3-5ft
Frangula purshiana
Cascara (Frangula purshiana) is found along the Pacific coast from British Columbia to northern California along riverbanks and in other moist locations.
A hardy, compact, attractive tree, it is often planted in Portland’s parking strips. In the spring it produces clusters of small, green-white flowers. In late autumn, the leaves turn a delicate yellow and persist through many a winter storm.
The flowers attract many pollinators in early summer such as Lorquin’s admiral butterflies. Pale swallowtail butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves. Birds enjoy the fruit, but they are toxic to humans and should be avoided.
- Light Requirements: Part Shade, Full Shade
- Water Requirements: Moist, Seasonally Wet
- Ease of Growing: Easy to grow
- Growth Rate: Slow
- Spreads: No
- Wildlife Support: Pollinators, Birds or Mammals
- Fire-resistant: Yes
- Edible: No
- Mature Height: 30ft
- Mature Width:20ft
Star-flowered Solomon’s Seal
Maianthemum stellatum
Beautiful blue-green foliage, white flowers spring through summer, and red and white striped berries. Great for woodland gardens.
- Light Requirements: Part Shade, Full Shade
- Water Requirements: Moist
- Ease of Growing: Easy to grow
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Spreads:
- Wildlife Support: Pest-eating Insects, Birds or Mammals
- Fire-resistant: No
- Edible:
- Mature Height: 1-2ft
- Mature Width:1ft
Douglas Aster
Aster subspicatus
Douglas Aster is a tall spreading perennial that blooms into the late summer and thrives on saltwater shorelines. The rather lanky stems are topped with bluish purple flowers that look like miniature daisies (ray flowers). The prolific blooms will draw lots of butterflies.
- Light Requirements: Full Sun
- Water Requirements: Moist
- Ease of Growing: Easy to grow
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Spreads: Yes
- Wildlife Support: Pollinators, Hummingbirds, Pest-eating Insects, Birds or Mammals
- Fire-resistant: No
- Edible:
- Mature Height: 1-4ft
- Mature Width:2ft
Western Bleeding Heart
Dicentra formosa ssp. formosa
Bleeding heart’s showy flower resembles a heart split open at the base, releasing its contents. It has delicate-looking fernlike leaves, with pink flowers that bloom from April to June. Bleeding heart prefers rich soil and some shade. It will thrive planted under evergreen trees or along stream banks. Heights of 26 inches can be reached though 12-16″ is more common.
- Light Requirements: Part Shade, Full Shade
- Water Requirements: Moist
- Ease of Growing: Easy to grow
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Spreads:
- Wildlife Support: Hummingbirds, Pest-eating Insects
- Fire-resistant: Yes
- Edible: No
- Mature Height: 1-1.5ft
- Mature Width:1.5-2ft
Dagger-leaf rush
Juncus ensifolius
This rhizomatous rush grows in large upright clumps. The green dagger shaped leaves fold over along the mid-vein towards the stem, similar to iris leaves.
- Light Requirements: Full Sun
- Water Requirements: Moist, Seasonally Wet
- Ease of Growing: Easy to grow
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Spreads:
- Wildlife Support: Birds or Mammals
- Fire-resistant: No
- Edible:
- Mature Height: 1-2ft
- Mature Width:1-2ft
Broad-leaf Shooting Star
Dodecatheon hendersonii
This bulb-producing perennial begins in late winter with thick spoon shaped leaves at the base of the plant. Showy flowers appear in early spring on top of a tall 12 in (30 cm) leafless flower stalk. Flowers are inside out with petals magenta to deep lavender to white, with a white strip before the black fertile part. It blooms February to May and is summer deciduous, dying back to the ground after the rains cease.
- Light Requirements: Full Sun, Part Shade
- Water Requirements: Moist
- Ease of Growing: Easy to grow
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Spreads:
- Wildlife Support: Pollinators, Pest-eating Insects
- Fire-resistant: No
- Edible:
- Mature Height: 1ft
- Mature Width:6in