Author Archives: Alex

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EMSWCD invests $1 million in new Partners in Conservation grants

EMSWCD staff Monica (left) standing with several participants at a Voz event, all pausing for a picture. Most are wearing masks and some of the participants are holding up pumpkins

Grants supporting local efforts help us meet our mission and tackle some of today’s most pressing challenges. We’re investing $1,050,000 million into efforts led by non-profits and community-based organizations addressing key issues such as access to land, warming waterways, and the lack of trees in low-income and historically red-lined neighborhoods.

See the list of PIC 2023 grantees here.

In May our Board of Directors approved funding for 24 grant proposals recommended by our 13-member Grant Review Committee for sustainable agriculture and community gardens, habitat restoration, water quality improvements, and job opportunities for youth in the green workforce. Organizations are addressing community disparities and advancing equity by creating benefits for underserved communities through project design, partnerships, and organizational practices.

This year’s committee reviewed 42 grant applications requesting nearly $1.9 million in funding. Learn more about the committee members here.

Since 2007 we’ve invested more than $11 million in 150+ Partners in Conservation grants to organizations that help advance our mission.

Visit this page for the full list of 2023 Partners in Conservation Grant projects.

Garlic Mustard Dumpster

a field of invasive garlic mustard is flowering

EMSWCD is once again providing a dumpster for disposing of pulled and bagged garlic mustard. The dumpster is located on the Historic Highway, in front of the ball field across the street from the Corbett Water District.

The dumpster is marked clearly as GARLIC MUSTARD DUMPSTER. A tracking sheet is located below the dumpster – please fill out all of the information requested on the sheet so we can track how much time was spent pulling garlic mustard and where it came from. A dumpster will be provided each spring to help the community dispose of garlic mustard.

We are also allowing residents to dispose of tansy ragwort in this dumpster. Please only use this dumpster to dispose of garlic mustard and tansy!

Have any questions? Send an email to Chris    Learn more about pulling invasive garlic mustard


Remember: Re-visit pulled sites frequently to make sure no new garlic mustard plants grow and go to seed.

Scholarship opportunity with Oregon Nurseries Foundation

"Oregon Nurseries Foundation Scholarship Program" - "Do you know a student?" image has a graduation cap against a white background behind the text

Do you know students pursuing careers as nursery or landscape professionals? The Oregon Nurseries Foundation (ONF) awards scholarships to students preparing for a career in ornamental horticulture and related fields. In all, 20 different awards are sponsored by individuals and Oregon Association of Nurseries chapters as a way to support the next generation of green industry professionals. Over $20,000 is awarded each year in scholarships.

Find out more and apply here!

Applications are due by April 15th.

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